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Hurricane Harvey Relief

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In order to support these families with food and housing, we need your generosity in the form of both IBC Meal Packs and direct financial donations to IBC’s Benevolence Emergency Relief Fund. You can bring completed Meal Packs to the drop-off location in Town Square, and of course you can make a financial donation any time.


As the needs for services arise for both the evacuees in Irving and those in Houston, we will be notifying IBCers. As appropriate, we will also be taking teams to South Texas in the future. To be among the notified for these opportunities, sign up here.


As we see news reports and striking images of people in need, we are often crippled by the magnitude of tragedy. It’s in these moments that we are invited to pray. Prayer and action go hand in hand, so would you pray this with us:

Jesus, when you walked on the water, you beckoned Peter to come out of the boat, unafraid.

In the middle of a storm, you settled peace over the waters and they were calm, and you called out to your people to be still and trust.

Today, we’re watching troubled waters. We’re watching buildings hide under waves and currents, People on rooftops waiting for a sign that they are seen and heard…

 So Jesus, call out to us.

Call out to Hurricane Harvey, to the wind and the waves— Call for them to be still.

And through our prayers, Through what we speak and what We don’t even know to utter, Meet us here and meet them there And give them those same words, “Peace be with you. Do not be afraid…”

Like Peter, may our faith be gathered up So that even in the storm We are bold enough to jump Out of our boats Or out of our houses Or out of our comfort zones To reach you.

Oh Jesus, We pray for the floods and those flooded. We pray for tired hearts and tired bodies. We pray for animals and the earth, All affected by what happens In a world that is trying to find its Way back to shalom.

So we beg— Lead us back. Calm the storms That rage outside And inside us, We pray.


~ Adapted from Kaitlin Curtice, Sojourners

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