Come celebrate with us!

Easter is for everyone. Whether you're new to IBC or you've been coming for years, there are so many ways to plug in between now and Easter. We can't wait to see you!

Easter Events

It can be easy to skip right over Lent, but here at IBC we want to invite you to lean in to the season leading up to Easter.

If you feel "stuck" in life and trapped in patterns that rob you of your joy—Lent is for you. It's an invitation to slow down, let go, and make space for God to work in your life.


Lent on the podcast

If you're not sure what Lent is all about, why some Christians are into it, or what's going on with all those ash crosses—this episode is for you. LISTEN NOW on YouTube or your favorite podcast platform.

Episode 3: Why Are There Crosses on People's Foreheads?

Episode 44: Why Give Up Something for Lent?


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